Moisturising at it's best!

November 16, 2016, by Unknown

It's all about moisturising your skin in today's blogpost with a set of skin care that came all the way from Japan and they hydrated skin they say gets hardy damaged by ultra-violet rays. With "Momhime", a Japanese brand that is all made in Japan from it's containers to their facial solutions. It has 4 step regime acts as a moisturiser at every step of it's way with soothing Japanese peach juice, peach leaves extract, peach seed extract. So if you are a peach lover just like me, their subtle scent brings you to cloud 9. 

The huge plus point of this 4 step facial regime, it's Halal. So hear me out ladies, if you are very particular that your facial products need to be certified Halal, this amazing product is definitely for you.

I have been a proud user of Momohime for 2 months now and I am a huge fan. Not only my skin have benefited so much but now I am enjoying the process of it. My skin always feel uplifted, rejuvenated and refreshed.

Let me bring you through my daily day & night routine: 

Step 1 : 
With Momohime face wash cleanses your skin and excess sebum firmly and gently. All you need is just a bit for it to foam up real fluffy. 

Step 2 : 
Toner to cleanse it further and the amazing part of their toner, it's gentle on your skin and moisturise it at the same time. 

Step 3 : 
Moisturise! Remember hydrated skin gets hardly damaged by ultra-violet rays.

Step 4 : 
With Momohime's Peach white essence, I will only apply it at night before I bed. It's to boost permeability and retaining moisture of the skin. It suppresses freckles and improves your skin dullness.


Sometimes on weekends i'd apply the serum during the day for a relax self-pampering session at home! It leaves my face moisturise and hydrated without the sticky yucky feeling!

I do get quite a bit of queries with regards to my skin that it looks radiant and flawless and what is my facial routine. 
So finally I guess my secret is out! :)

Honestly my skin is at it's best but definitely not flawless (which I hope one day it will, In Shaa Allah!).

At less than $150, this skin care set is yours.
These products are not the usual high end brand but rest assured that it works as well or even better. Amazing isnt it! I have brought it through my travels as well and it's sturdy packaging are indeed spillage proof!

To all peach lovers like myself, this one is for us!

Enjoy! xx

If you'd like to make your purchase, Lazada carries the entire range and it'll reach your doorstep in a jiffy!

Lazada :

Or visit Momohime directly :

With love,
Dalillah Ismail






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Dalillah Ismail: Moisturising at it's best!