Eid Inspiration #5 : Bold and edgy in Fyza Kadir x FashionValet

July 10, 2015, by Unknown

| Natalie Kurung in Red c\o Fyza Kadir x FashionValet | Black orchid scarf c/o dUCk |

For the inner bold persona in me, Natalie kurung by Fyza Kadir for FashionValet fits the bill. In bold ravish red and soft black feathery sleeves for that touch of edge seemed foreign to me at first but when everything was put together nicely, this piece suddenly has it's charms. 

Check out this bold collection of strong colours on FashionValet's website for an edgy Raya look!xx

Dalillah Ismail

"Dress shabbily and they will remember the dress; dress impeccably and they will remember the woman." - Coco Chanel






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Dalillah Ismail: Eid Inspiration #5 : Bold and edgy in Fyza Kadir x FashionValet